Valhalla and Kokanee Provincial Parks can be easily reached from Haus Lemon Creek and Haus Beaver Castle.
Valhalla Provincial Park was established in 1983 and protects approximately 50.000ha. Beginning in the valley bottoms 500m above sea level it includes a 30km stretch at the western bank of Slocan Lake. Densely treed forests cover the steep slopes until they reach the alpine above timberline.
New Denver Glacier dominates the picture in the park’s north. High rising peaks like the bizarre Devil’s Couch, giant mountains like Dag and Gladsheim, the Wolf Ears and Gimli, Asgard, and Hela Peak are much over 2600m
According to the Nordic mythology Valhalla is the hall of fame to where war god Odin, also called Woden, invites the bravest slain warriors of earth. They are supposed to join him in his final and inevitable battle against his enemies the demons. While they wait for this day to come they enjoy themselves in the company of heavenly maidens called Walkyries. And indeed, entering the pristine mountain world of the park, one really feels as guest in the “Park of the Gods”.
Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park is located between Slocan Valley and Kootenay Lake. The park covers 32ha and was already established in 1923 to preserve the area. Its three large glaciers Kokanee, Caribou and Woodbury are above 1800m. They feed more than 30 mountain lakes and are the headwaters for numerous creeks and rivers.
Our local Lemon Creek rises from there and feeds Slocan River nearby our property with cold, clear glacier water. Our own water wells get their water source from underground Lemon Creek streams and provide us with the best and cleanest drinking water on earth.
North-east of Kootenay Lake runs the Purcell Mountain range. The area is also well known for its incredible natural beauty and the many wild animals who call it home. Here as well numerous glaciers like Jumbo Glacier feed high alpine meadows and create countless mountain ponds and creeks. In summer the abundance of water creates an unmatched magnificence of wild flowers.
Since 20 years environmentalists try to protect this unique region from human development. Up to know they were successful in impeding the plan to build a giant winter and summer ski resort city with more than 7000 beds and more than 30 ski gondolas planned in the Jumbo Glacier area.
This remote mountain region is home for the endangered mountain caribou and grizzly bears. The planned development would destroy their living space forever and make these animals homeless.
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