Elisabeth von Ah
Michael Mardner
Culture |
The Kootenays are located on the western warm side of the Rocky Mountains and have four distinguished different seasons.
Spring covers the valley with sparkling green and begins by the end of March with the arrival of the swallows and American Robins. Messengers to announce the arrival of summer are the hummingbirds which return by the end of April into their summer grounds here.
Summers are sunny, hot and dry. Usually they last into late September and guarantee the ideal weather conditions to enjoy nature through all kinds of outdoor activities.
Fall brings warm days with bright blue skies and golden leaf colors. Winters are relatively mild but with lots of snow they provide ideal conditions for all kinds of winter sport.
On summer days hikers can experience all four seasons on one single day. While summer flowers bloom in the valley and swimming and canoeing cools people down the mountain lakes are still under snow and ice.
In the high alpine meadows the first spring flowers will not sprout until the end of June. But in only a few weeks the flower meadows will unfold such an immense blaze of color that outclasses every domestic flower garden.
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Fall Impression in Nelson |
Jumbo Pass
Slocan Lake and Valhalla Park
from Idaho Peak
Alpine Flower Meadow on Idaho Peak
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