Erwin and Bettina from Germany are a happy couple since 20 years - without rings.And they are Canada fans. Haus Lemon Creek has become their vacation domicile for many years and in the Kootenays of BC they almost found their second home. It was never a question that they would get married one day, above all for material provision. Eventually the idea was born: Why not marry in Canada and return to Germany as a married couple to the surprise of family and friends.

Happy bride
In the week before the marriage date Bettina and Erwin met with Derek who would conduct the ceremony. The elderly gentleman who told them that he and his wife just had celebrated their 50.anniversary wanted to know if they had special wishes.
No, they just wanted an uncomplicated marriage ceremony at Haus Lemon Creek, no big formalities they responded. And Erwin insisted on getting married in jeans.

Germyn style coffee table
One week later the marriage ceremony took place in the shade of big cedars in front of Haus Lemon Creek. The temperature had reached 38°C in the shade. “Honestly, we have been quite nervous”, admit Bettina and Erwin today. In Canada the engaged couple has to repeat the promise of marriage – this was the most difficult part for both of them because of their limited English skills. But in the end they mastered everything just fine. And when the champagne glasses were filled to celebrate all the excitement was forgotten.
A German style coffee table was set up under the trees and afterwards the party moved to a near-by lodge for a gourmet dinner. And of course the surprise was perfect when Bettina an Erwin came back home as a married couple and invited family and friends to celebrate with then in an after-marriage-party.
Elisabeth von Ah

"Yes, I will"
Getting married in English
Getting married in BC is no problem for non residents. Erwin’s and Bettina’s preferred date was arranged with a marriage commissioner for July 27.2007. The official formalities were simple. They only needed a document of identification and had to buy a marriage license at Can$ 100. German authorities had told them lots of documents were needed in authorized and notarized translation. In Canada they learned that all these documents were not necessary at all – after Erwin needlessly had paid so much money.

Celebration with a champagne drink
They asked Derek about the most unusual locations of marriages he had conducted so far. He laughed. Well, there was a couple wanted to get married on top of a mountain he said. And that the helicopter flight to the place just was spectacular. Another marriage ceremony took place at a remote Kootenay Lake beach, he continued, access by canoe only and with a huge bonfire afterwards. He would also be open for a quad drive to a beautiful place in the midst of nature, he said. There are lots of options for nature lovers, he laughed.
Then he switched to the formal part of the ceremony. He only needed their parent’s names and places of birth and the names of the witnesses. His invoice came up to $80 plus traveling expenses of $0.47 per km

Dinner at a near-by lodge

All the best for both of you!