Elisabeth von Ah
Michael Mardner
The warm and hot summers invite to swim. We have our own swimming places right at our back door and Slocan River and Slocan Lake offer wonderful beaches nearby.
The south end of Slocan Lake is in 8km from Haus Lemon Creek and Haus Beaver Castle where Slocan River begins. In its wide upper stretch Slocan river flows quietly, slow and with almost no currents into Slocan Valley.
By bicycle via rail trail wonderful sandy beaches are within close reach. They invite to spend relaxing hours enjoying swimming and sunbathing.
In July and August temperatures in lake and river reach pleasant bathing temperatures. Creeks running down from the mountains however carry cold water year round into the rivers which is an important factor to create healthy spawning grounds for fish.
Slocan Lake is well known as the one with the clearest water and best visibility in the Kootenays. Good conditions provide scuba divers with visibilities exceeding 20m.
During pioneer days railroads ended at the lake by Slocan and Silverton. Here the boxcars with their goods for the settlers and the ore were reloaded on barges to transport them along the lake.
The remains of three boxcars which slipped from a barge in a heavy storm are still sitting in 25 – 30m under the lake's surface. The open boxcar bodies with axles and metal parts offer an attractive dive destination within the easy reach of sport scuba divers.

Barge Wreck on
West Shore of
Slocan Lake |

Swimming in Slocan River

Scuba Diving to the Boxcars
in Slocan Lake at Silverton

Boxcar Axles
in Slocan Lake at Silverton